FRP tank

Composite materials are composed of two or more materials combined. Because they have more diverse characteristics and strength than a single material, they are widely used in industrial products, military materials, aviation materials, and daily necessities.
Fiber-reinforced plastic is a composite material that combines glass fiber and resin. The glass fiber acts as a reinforcing material, and the base material is resin, like steel reinforced with concrete. Among them, the type of resin can provide FRP with different chemical resistance and heat resistance characteristics. In addition to being endowed with high strength and high chemical resistance, FRP is light in weight, easy to cut, transport and install, so the cost is lower and more economical.
Our company adopts cross-wound technology to make the product high quality, good axial and longitudinal strength, excellent resistance to vacuum pressure, not easy to break, no safety concerns, good structural strength, and good earthquake resistance.
In addition to the common circular vertical horizontal tanks, our company has countless experience with square tanks.